domenica 25 settembre 2011

Week end volato

Si proprio cosi' sabato e domenica volati!
E domani inzia un'altra settimana !
Come procede la mia riduzione di calorie? Direi bene, questa mattina la bilancia diceva -3 kg, direi che e' un ottima cosa.
Se pero' pensate che faccio la fame, vi sbagliate. Quello che faccio invece e fare sport: spinning il Martedi' e Giovedi, corsa Mercoledi',Giovedi,Sabato e Domenica.
I km variano ma almeno la Domenica cerco di fare un buon lungo.
Ad oggi il tempo al km e' piuttosto alto: 5,30 ma spero di riuscire ad abbassare il tempo a 5,00 al km.
Una cosa che trovo allucinante e' che su internet ci sono una serie di siti che descrivono diete super miracolose, vedi tisanoreica, dove dimagrisci senza fare nulla, senza sforzo.
Ma si puo'?

A presto!

sabato 17 settembre 2011

September let's start activity

I like September!
In this month we see transhumance, when shepherds bring the cows from the pastures on the plains, it's real culminating with the fair of St. Matthew,Sept 20 21st, where the shepherds meet for two days of revelry with a wine and cheese.
In this moment I'm in the pool i'm waiting Riccardo that has the swimming course, this morning I have already made a run 9 km.
Let's reduce the calories is going good and I also decided to quit smoking!
Yesterday me and Ilaria started spinning, very fun but tiring!
I ran this week on Monday (5km fast),Tuesday (7 km),Thursday (6km) and today, tomorrow long run not less than 14 km.
I see that I can improve the times are now arrived at an average of 5.20 per km I must do better then 5.
Now It's time to see my little fish Riccardo....see you.

sabato 3 settembre 2011

Let's start to reduce calories

The title is clear I have to lose weight, so now I'm on a diet!
I must lose not less than 6 kg, it will help me also for running more fast.

I will make you my progress, for now I avoid writing my current weight, I am ashamed!

See you!

domenica 28 agosto 2011

Holiday in Croatia

After fifteen days of vacation it's time to return home and start the job again. We were in Croatia with Ilaria and his family in Savudrja close to Umag.
The sea was spectacular but I have to say that people were not too nice.
The history of Croatia as well as the ex Yugoslavia is big mess that start from Mussolini to Tito and finish with Balcani war in 1989.
We had a great time, Ricky has learned to swim and dive and I managed to get my morning run of 10 km.
Today we had a party with my colleagues to say good luck to Marco, he will start a new job in Lecce and we had a big alcol party!
I back in office in two days so tomorrow and after tomorrow I can still do a couple of bike rides and from tomorrow only one word "diet".
I will post pictures next

venerdì 12 agosto 2011

Someone makes me the bags?

I hate to pack and to unpack suitcases I hate also to go on holiday with my car and so drive it, but after that I like to go and visit new place.
My ideal vacation is going in the United States, but this year the goal change we are going to go to Croatia.
We are going with friends in Istria, many say it is a nice area, we hope, the sea is 'a little' cold we hope to have fun!
Ilaria's family will came with us.
This is 'the third holiday we do together, my big Ricky has fun with the girls Gaia and Ludovica.
Today,after having packed up, I went for a bike ride, not very long up in Frasinetto and than went down to Navetta where I went to visit my mom.
For some days I will not be able' to update my blog, I'll be able only if I find some hot spots wi fi.
Ciao see you soon!

giovedì 11 agosto 2011


Second day of vacation and we decided to go to Chamonix with my parents. There was a beautiful day and as usually i made some shopping.
Thera are many shop like North Face, Patagonia, Peck,not with cheap price but no matter.

In Chamonix there will be one of the most difficult ultra maraton race Monte Bianco Ultra Race at the end of August.
There are many people who ran and climbe the mountain in particular the Monte Bianco the 'higher mountain of Europe.
I let you some picture.
Aguile du Midi

Monte Bianco

My big boys!

mercoledì 10 agosto 2011

First day of vacation

Beautiful sunny day today and with the sun I just want to ride a bike.

It was a bit of time I did not go to Santa Elisabetta so at 2pm o'clock I started running for the ride from Santa Elisabetta to Frasinetto back to Navetta and than home.
The ride was not long but I started at 400 mt slm and I arrived at 1500mt slm, all the ride is only 32 km but it is an hard road.
It was great to see the mountain so close to the sky and so cloudless and clear.

This morning I read Linus blog and he wrote about Pinarello's son he died in bike for an heart attack, he was only 40 years old.
I think I'll do a full check up in September, last week I made blood test they were fine.
Tonight we all went to La Societa to eat Pizza, I skipped the diet, too bad.
Now is time to send Ricky to bed, tomorrow we will go in Chamonix.


martedì 9 agosto 2011

It's time to start !

Caspita finalmente ho trovato una nuova applicazione che mi permette di aggiornare il mio blog, da oggi inizio nuovamente a scrivere.
Intanto inizio con il dire che oggi e' il mio ultimo giorno di lavoro, da domani in ferie fino al 30 Agosto.
Per scaramanzia non racconto dove andro' in partiro'.
Guardando i vecchi post, vedo che un po' di cose sono lavoro....Ricky e' un ometto....continuo a correre e ad andare un po' meno in bici...sono ancora sposata (e' un traguardo al giorno d'oggi!)...

A domani see you!